Expectations and Guidelines For Online Learning


Due to the shift in remote learning due to the COVID19 emergency, BIOE/ENGR.80 will be using several online learning and communication platforms this quarter. In order to promote the best possible learning for all students in the class under these circumstances, it is important to adhere to a shared set of expectations and guidelines for the use of each online platform. This document outlines the various online learning platforms that will be used by BIOE/ENGR.80 this quarter and lays out the expectations and guidelines for their use. We are excited and look forward to engaging and communicating with you throughout the course.

General Guidelines

The impacts of the COVID19 emergency are stressful to all students in a variety of different ways. Please approach all communications with fellow students with empathy, compassion, and respect.

Class Website

The class website (this website, https://stanford-bioe80.github.io/docs/introduction/) will be the main resource for course content, including syllabus, pre-class readings, and assignments. Lecture videos will be posted to canvas.


Major announcements will be posted on Canvas. Grades will be posted on Canvas. Quizzes will be taken on Canvas.

Gradescope (Access Code: MY5JE8)

Gradescope will be used to turn in assignments. Please indicate the beginning and the end of each question (boundaries). Regrade requests are also handled via Gradescope.


Zoom will be used for lectures and office hours. Zoom chat will be available during lectures. Comments and questions regarding lecture material are highly encouraged. TAs will monitor the Zoom chat during lecture and highlight key questions and comments in real time. The chat should not be used for social comments, as this is distracting to other students.


Piazza (https://piazza.com/class/k8kvf0kfg5q3vl?cid=6) is a platform where students can ask questions relating to course content and academic class material, including material from the lectures, assignments, and final projects, as well as logistical or administrative questions about the class. TAs will monitor Piazza to answer questions in a timely manner. Students can also answer questions (peer feedback are welcomed and valued). The teaching team will share a weekly FAQ (highlighting questions from office hours etc.) at the end of each week. Private Piazza posts can be used to communicate privately to TAs about assignments and other matters.


Please use email as a last resort mode of communication. If possible, please communicate with the teaching team via one of the above modes of communication. Please include “BIOE/ENGR.80” as part of the email subject.
