
BIOE/ENGR.80 - Spring 2020

Introduction to Bioengineering (Engineering Living Matter)

Students successfully completing BIOE/ENGR.80 will have a working understanding for how to approach the systematic engineering of living systems to benefit all people and the planet. Our four main goals for the quarter are (1) to help you learn ways of thinking about engineering living matter, (2) to empower you to explore and do bioengineering starting from DNA, and (3) for you to become more capable of learning and explaining bioengineering to yourself and others, including discussing the broader ramifications of engineering the living world. (4) Specific to Spring 2020, in the time of COVID-19 and at the dawn of a decade, we also aim to enable you to devise and express your wishes for bioengineering as might be made true by or before 2030, and to develop practical plans for making you wishes real.


6 April to 10 June 2020

MWF, 1:30-2:20p, Lectures & Activities via Zoom



Course Lead, Prof. Drew Endy; Office Hours (PST) Mon/Wed/Fri 14:20-15:00 (after class) (after class) and by appointment via (can also schedule by emailing

Co-Instructor, Dr. Siavash Ahrar; Office Hours Tue 11:30-12:30, Sat 09:30 AM-10:30;

Co-Instructor, Prof. Michael Specter; Office Hours Wed 16:00-17:00;

Teaching Assistants

Jon Calles; Office Hours Fri 15:00-16:00;

Nicolai Ostberg; Office Hours Fri 15:30-16:30;

Naomi Pacalin; Office Hours Tues 10:00-11:00;

Julisia Chau; Office Hours Mon 09:00-10:00;

Brianna Chrisman; Office Hours Wed 09:00-10:00;

Victor Tieu; Office Hours Mon 16:00-17:00;

If the schedule does not work well for you, please contact us on Piazza with suggestions on how we can better accommodate your circumstances. All times in PST. Office hours are held on the same zoom link as class.


The course is designed to operate on a S/NC basis. To earn a S grade a student must satisfy the following two conditions:

(1) Earn an average grade of 70% or above on the PSETS.

(2) Earn a cumulative grade of 70% or above on the Final Project (team-based).

Please note your lowest PSET grade will be dropped from your PSET average.

Please also note that we will offer quizzes throughout the quarter that will accrue points. You can apply your cumulative quiz points to reduce the threshold for (1) and (2) to as low as 60% given sufficient quiz points.

Key Dates

6 April 2020; first class

25 May 2020; no class

10 June 2020; last class

Honor Code

We expect you will uphold Stanford’s Honor Code. Discussion among peers and with the teaching staff is strongly encouraged. All submitted work must be completed individually unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Students with Documented Disabilities:

Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty. Unless the student has a temporary disability, Accommodation letters are issued for the entire academic year. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk (phone: 723-1066).

Office of Accessible Education site

Week 1: Getting Started

Day Title
Mon 6 April Why engineering biology?
Wed 8 April What makes living matter unique?
Fri 10 April How to read a bioengineering research paper

Week 2: People, Planet, & Political Health

Day Title
Mon 13 April People health (what do people need of bioengineers?)
Wed 15 April Planet health (what does everything else “need”?)
Fri 17 April Political health (what does it mean to engineer biology at social scales)

Week 3: Analysis & Design of Molecules & Genetic Systems

Day Title
Mon 20 April Activity – Tools for seeing biology (Foldscope)
Wed 22 April Analysis and design of molecules
Fri 24 April Analysis and design a genetic systems

Week 4: Engineering Abstraction in Biology

Day Title
Mon 27 April Engineering abstraction in living matter – synthetic genetic logic
Wed 29 April Engineering abstraction in living matter – generic system architecture
Fri 1 May Team Project: Brainstorming + project introduction

Week 5: DNA Reading & Writing

Day Title
Mon 4 May DNA sequencing (read) and synthesis (write), core concepts
Wed 6 May DNA read/write strategy, from exponentials to interconvertibility of matter and information
Fri 8 May Team Project – Project priorities + story spine

Week 6: From Diffusion to Programmed Development

Day Title
Mon 11 May Molecular diffusion and spontaneous behaviors
Wed 13 May Activity – Dancing droplets
Fri 15 May Programming morphogenesis (could you grow an arm?)

Week 7: Project

Day Title
Mon 18 May Team Project – Planning
Wed 20 May Team Project – Story (Play.1)
Fri 22 May Team Project– Story (Play.2)

Week 8: Evolution as Tool for Engineering

Day Title
Mon 25 May No class
Wed 27 May Evolution as an algorithm
Fri 29 May Evolution as a service

Week 9: Bioengineering Futures

Day Title
Mon 1 June Bioengineering futures related to planet health
Wed 3 June Bioengineering futures related to human health
Fri 5 June Bioengineering futures related to Political health

Week 10: Bioengineering Futures & Charge to Class

Day Title
Mon 8 June Closing discussion and charge -1
Wed 10 June Closing discussion and charge -2

github source code for teaching staff
